A Salmon Favorelle, Austrolorpe, Easter Egger and...???


In the Brooder
Apr 13, 2019
We got our birds this winter. We know, we know, should have waited til Spring so I didnt have to share my office with them for 2.5 months....ugh. We bonded tho and my clients got a lot of laughs hearing the constant peeping in the background of my calls. Anyway, our Favorelle ended up being a roo and we thought we got 2 Austrolorpes but one of them, as a chick, had a white spot on her chest, was way smaller than the others until this past month or so and now she has gorgeous red feathers on her head and neck and iridescent black on her body. I have attached a pic of the flock. She is between the Favorelle and the Easter Egger. Any ideas? My amateur web search skills suggest she may be a black copper Marans but I really dont know. Any help would be appreciated.

Two of our ladies have started laying, Matilda the EE and (we think) our sweet heart Austrolorpe, Flint. Junie B is our roo and Steel, the hen we are wondering about, doesnt seem to have laid yet. We actually thought she was a bantam until the past couple of weeks. She hit a growth spurt and caught up to everyone else before that she was half the size of everyone else. If she wasn't so active, eating, and full of personality we would have been worried about her.
OK...I hadnt heard of that but the breeder had RIR and Barred Rocks and a quick search shows a lot of similar looking chickens. Any idea what her eggs would look like?
Brown eggs :)
Nice! We got a sort of blue green egg from our EE, and then an almost white one showed up. If we can expect hers to be brown then it must have been our Austrolorpe that laid the pale one. All very exciting...they just started laying yesterday....
Look at these eggs, they were laid by the same hen (Black cooper maran)
The left 1st, 3th and 4th ( purpulish)

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