A shout out in gratitude to my sister!

I have WHAT in my yard?

11 Years
Jun 24, 2008
Eggberg, PA

Thank YOU!!!!!

Come home soon and safe!!!!
Good question actually. Her whole unit wasn't deployed. Just a team and she said she'd be back in about a month or so she hoped....

It's the military.....

She served three tours since 9/11. One in Afghanistan and two in Iraq and that is after serving the in the first gulf war and somalia!

She's a very tough cookie, my sis, and I am very proud of her. She can tell some pretty funny stories about being a small female assigned to a Marine Unit!! LOL!! They put her through her paces, but don't mess with her now - you get the whole Corps on your tail! Marines take good care of their docs!
I pray for her and all our troops safe return!!! They are out there protecting ours and others freedom and I thank all our military!!! God bless America!
I have WHAT in my yard? :

Good question actually. Her whole unit wasn't deployed. Just a team and she said she'd be back in about a month or so she hoped....

As I said ----- Dunno! She is probably in Afghanistan (I'm just guessing) but I don't know and she ain't telling.​

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