A "tip" on predator protection. Would this really work????

Unfortunately,I found out the hard way,that chickens and geese-Don't mix! I had Two geese that maimed two chickens-one at a time,until I figured out what happened to them. They were too aggressive,I had to rehome them on another farm.
I keep guineas for the same reason as most keep geese. The guineas are much louder and detect the predators sooner than the geese. You have to keep the guineas out of the chicken coop, brooder or near the incubator since they'll eat the young even their own since they're not quite domesticated.
Alright, I think I know how to keep them safe. I keep guineas free ranging the yard. Immediately around the chicken run I build a second run (enclosing the first run) containing a bunch of adult geese. Immediately around that I build a third run containing pigs.
I think I like this idea!!!!!! My husband might not agree, however!!!!!
I actually was able to convince DH's dad to let us get some free-ranging guineas because the ticks are SOOO bad out there.
Hopefully I will get some for the bator soon
I have 8 guinea chicks that are supposed to ship from Ideal tomorrow.

I have been told that they spot predators quickly and send up a heck of a racket when they do and this gives everyone time to run for cover. We have a lot of hawks here…so many that you see them run over on the road.

Some of our smaller birds have learned that if they time it just right when they are trying to evade a hawk and swoop down in front of an oncoming car the dumb old hawk will follow them and….splat….no more hawk.

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