A useful idea for coop/run in perches


In the Brooder
7 Years
Apr 18, 2012
Freeport IL
I was thinking about what type of perch to build while I was planning my new coop today. As a former dog groomer, I always think about overgrown claws. I hear that OEGB like to perch on their person's arm and/or shoulder. I thought about building a perch equipped with a fine sand paper strip at the bottom where the claws would catch onto the perch. It would be useful in running down those talons. I've seen entire perches covered in sandpaper that parrot owners seemed to use often enough, but I would think that would be slightly uncomfy for the bird. Maybe I'm over thinking it but it's not a bad idea.
Im a parrot owner, and I can offer you some insight on the sanded perches you see in parrot cages. They are often recommended to help wear down talons, as you thought, however it is never recommended to be used on a perch that a parrot would sleep on. It can and does cause discomfort, and sometimes injury to the pad of the foot. We usually use them at feeding or grooming perches. Parrots are particular, and usually sleep in the same place every night, and thats why we know where not to put a sanded perch. That said, chickens probably roost somewhere different every night, but usually only use the perches to sleep, so sanded perches may not be a great idea, unless you put a stip of sand ONLY where the nails touch.
unless you put a stip of sand ONLY where the nails touch.

that was the plan :)
I'm well versed in parrot keeping and grooming. As a groomer, I've had regulars with parrots, ferrets and even 4ft long nile monitor lizards (we taped his mouth shut and someone had to hold the tail XD). I think the main idea here would be to get the bird to use the perch on occassion but it would need to be tempting for a OEGB so a natural well sized tree branch stationed in the turn out area would provoke them to use the perch but not roost on it.

I'll try to update the thread when I finish my project.
This sounds like an awesome idea--thanks for starting this thread! I use 2x4's for roosts (chilly winters in NE, and they help keep their feet warm), I wonder if putting some sandpaper on the bottom of the 2x4 and/or on the sides would help maintain nail length as well? Hmm..
Good call. It would be much easier to strip it on flat surface. If you decide to do it, pics and let us know if it helps! :D
Unfortunately chickens don't wrap their feet around the roost bar the way that parrots do because they aren't zygodactylous. Their claws won't rub on the sand paper as you are planning. Also for chickens you'll want to make sure the roost bar is wider than something their feet would curl around. They prefer to sit flat on their feet. Sorry to burst your bubble as it would have been a good idea otherwise!
Unfortunately chickens don't wrap their feet around the roost bar the way that parrots do because they aren't zygodactylous. Their claws won't rub on the sand paper as you are planning. Also for chickens you'll want to make sure the roost bar is wider than something their feet would curl around. They prefer to sit flat on their feet. Sorry to burst your bubble as it would have been a good idea otherwise!

Aha! So that would be the answer to something I said in the OP. I was worried about it sharp claws on kids when out with friendly chickens. So I had nothing to worry about :) That's actually a good thing. Bubble bursted!

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