A Video Message From Me - Culling Complete - Update on Post #1

Yup, with so many beautiful breeds around, it would be so easy to give in just this once and bring home a bird or two. Sorry this happened to you, PC. It could happen to all of us.

This is a perfect time to remind to please remember to look at the feedback thread and research before you buy.

Don, I am so sorry. And thank you for posting your experience.

What a terrible thing. Thank you for posting your experience so others can learn from your mistakes. I am so sorry for what you're going through- I cannot imagine what it must be like to cull your entire flock. Please don't beat yourself up over this, anyone on here could have (and many already have) made this mistake. You're not an idiot- life is about making mistakes and learning from them.

Please remember- the only perfect person died on the cross a long time ago.

Take time if you need to before you get more chooks- but remember how much you enjoy it before you make any decisions about not getting back into chicken-keeping!

I wish you the best, and I will keep you in my prayers. Good luck and God bless...

Don, Take some comfort knowing that your unfortunate loss will help many of us out. I had no stinkin idea about all of this until seeing your video. WOW, I'm glad I did before I made any mistakes. I was all set to go pick up an adult bird from a friend at work and would have thrown it right in with the others. Talk about a higher power lookin out for me. Sorry for your birds but a big thanks for savin some of us dummies.

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PC, thanks so much for posting your experience for all of us to learn by. I know I did.
So many times in the past I have considered bringing a chicken into my flock and didn't because I knew there could be risks and didn't want to have to go through quarantine. After reading all of this it's evident that even quarantine is sometimes not enough. I appreciate your time to educate others.
I'm so sorry.

This also happened to me. The first chickens I got were sick, and every chicken I got after that ended up sick. I was new to chickens and didn't know. When I finally took a bird to get a necropsy the results came back positive for several different diseases, and so I had to get rid of all of my birds. I found someone else who wanted them for a closed flock--"them" being the birds that seemed healthy after being medicated for weeks. All the weaker ones had already died off.

I never, ever buy adult birds. I do sometimes buy chicks, but they are mostly isolated in the brooder for at least a month. When chicks have MG from the egg, do the symptoms show up right away?
Mistakes...these cause us to learn, grow, become more experienced and knowledgeable. 90% of what I know about my flock is what I've learned by making idiotic mistakes...

I have a healthy, happy flock NOW (my second time around)!!!

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