A Video Message From Me - Culling Complete - Update on Post #1

Several months ago I bought a splash silkie from a swap meet. Even though I was pretty sure she was breathing funny, surely she just had a 'cold'. Put her in my girls' room in a crate and medicated/dewormed her and kept her there for almost 2 weeks. She was snotty and sneezy. She was improving and doing much better, but not completely well. I had read several postings on here about just this type of nightmare and my DH and I decided to cull her. The first one we have ever had to do and it was very hard. I cannot imagine what you are going through. Very narrow miss for us, only because of posts from others. Please know this, everyone reading your ordeal will hopefully learn from it and not make the same errors in judgement we all have. Thank you for your raw, open emotion. It gets the message across.
I know it's a hard decision, but it's best to cull one than all.

This does bring up a good point though. Do not medicate animals in quarantine. If they are sick, you want them to show symptoms so you can see if they're a danger to your birds. I know you were just trying to be compassionate to a bird that needed some TLC because you're a caring and nurturing person, but you've had a close shave!
This does bring up a good point though. Do not medicate animals in quarantine. If they are sick, you want them to show symptoms so you can see if they're a danger to your birds. I know you were just trying to be compassionate to a bird that needed some TLC because you're a caring and nurturing person, but you've had a close shave!

Yes, this is what I keep saying! Thanks for mentioning this again. Quarantine is to watch for symptoms, not medicate the birds.​
Final Update:
Meat roos have all been slaughtered.
Remaining 8 quail are going to the lab for final testing tomorrow.
How many chickens did you have??? I am SOOO sorry you had to go through this!!! I think everyone on BYC who has seen this thread will think twice about who and what they bring home. Thanks for sharing this with us.

P.S. I'll send you some eggs if/when you can start over!
The number is hard to say. I culled 10 silkies a few months back and
have culled several individuals since then too. This past Tuesday I
culled my 4 favorites which inspired the video. Yesterday I did the
remaining 7 hens/pets. Today I processed approx 16 standard roos
and 1 quail.

I have 8 quail left that I still need to have tested. They are going tomorrow.

I am now chickenless for the first time in several years. It's doubtful
I will get chickens again after this experience.
You've got the equipment, the infrastructure, the head knowledge, the love of chickens, and I know from your prior writings a good attitude about things in general. Give it time. Stay out of the coop for a week or two...or three...or four..., don't worry about cleaning or anything, just leave it alone for now. Give it a chance and the "what if's" and "why's" will give way to "I can's". I can see where you might not want to keep chickens again and that would be perfectly understandable. But I can just as easily see where you would want to keep them again. Nothing says you shouldn't, nothing says you should. Just give yourself a breather for a little while....you've been through a very emotional time. Time will help.

Best wishes and prayers,
I have so much to learn. You have taught me that none of us are an exception. It can and very well may happen to me if I become complacent or remain ignorant. I love my chickens but I need to take these things seriously. I need to spend less time worrying about what treats I am going to give them and a little more time learning to be a good steward of my flock, ensuring that they first and foremost remain healthy. I am new to this, but I promise you I will spend my summer educating myself on all aspects of chicken care. I am a teacher but I will never stop being a student. Thank you for the lesson learned, and I am sorry.
Now Don, never is an awfully long time. You've been through a bad experience, give it time, and I'm betting there will be peeps peeping out there again someday.....

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