OK, she stayed in the nest box all aft. Friday, and was still there Saturday Morning. I took her eggs friday. So I am puttin geggs back under her today.
My question: I built nice roomy nest boxes, on the floor, planning for broodies. So do I need to do anything else? I know they say to seperate them, so I would need to make a small wire cage or something to keep her in and the others out.
But do I have to? She looks so cozy, and the others havent bothered her. I have plenty of nest boxes. Has anyone ever tryed leaving them open?
My question: I built nice roomy nest boxes, on the floor, planning for broodies. So do I need to do anything else? I know they say to seperate them, so I would need to make a small wire cage or something to keep her in and the others out.
But do I have to? She looks so cozy, and the others havent bothered her. I have plenty of nest boxes. Has anyone ever tryed leaving them open?