About My Chicks... Getting Them Used To People


6 Years
Mar 29, 2013
So, last year I ended up raising 21 chicks for a school project... Those chicks were 10 Buff Brahmas, two cockerels, and the rest were Production Reds I ended up caring for. Despite the situation, I was able to keep the Brahmas quite tame, especially the five I ended up keeping.

Now, my new group of chicks are here. All pullets. A Delaware, a Leghorn, a Plymouth Rock, a Transylvanian Naked Neck, a Welsummer, and an Easter Egger. But, now they're two weeks old and they aren't tame... The Delaware is close but she doesn't like to be picked up. She likes to be held, just not picked up, lol... Most of the others run from me, or at least won't approach my moving hand. But they will eat out of my hand... Once I am holding them they don't seem afraid of my anymore.

This year, I've been trying to take it slow, but I'm wondering if I went too easy on them or something. Been trying not to push them out of their comfort zone, but in doing so they haven't received as much early-on attention as my older feathered friends.

Am I too late to socialize them, or are there things I can still do to reach out to them?

Spent time with them, as much as you can, handle them and give them treats. There is no better way to win over a chicken
Mine were not terribly friendly until I started raiding my DH's mealworm farm. Now they jump out the brooder when they see me.
I did minimal interaction the first three days just to let them get acclimated to their surroundings. I then began feeding them a little treat of mashed hard boiled egg out of my hand every so often. Well, they now love me!

They're food motivated, for sure!
I totally agree! My chickens follow me around everywhere hoping Ill give them some treats. People are always like wow they just love you!
If only they knew...but I won't tell them that.
Good news, they are coming along. ^^ Holding them for an hour, cuddling and taking them outside has pain off. Many still don't want to be picked up, but they are improving! ^^ They'll jump on my belly to cuddle when they're outside, I think in the next week they'll be begging to come out like my Delaware lol. That doesn't include my Leghorn, she hates me and I've decided not to work too hard with her, just a little bit. But I'm especially glad that my Naked Neck and my Welsummer are coming around. ^^

Thanks everyone~
Mine are getting better - they used to just run to the other end. Now they pretty much ignore my hand, some even climb up m arm - as long as they don't see my fingernails, then all bets are off. They swarm and peck at them like they found a big treat. What's up with that? Should I be worried. They seem calm enough when I pick them up, I just have to hide my nails. Will keep trying though - maybe bribe with food like has been mentioned. Other thoughts?

I'm still learning, so I'm grateful for any ideas.
Been trying with my Leghorn. She's getting better, but still sometimes runs like heck away from my hand. Trying to hold her as much as possible without scaring her.

Chicks are curious creatures. They probably won't destroy your nails.
Been trying with my Leghorn. She's getting better, but still sometimes runs like heck away from my hand. Trying to hold her as much as possible without scaring her.

Chicks are curious creatures. They probably won't destroy your nails.
I'm not worried about my manicure per se, just the habit of them associating pecking with my hand. They did better today - one of the little ones even cuddled for a bit and didn't try to run away.
If the chickens are friendly and used to people, in my own experience they won't peck hard, and only if they see food in your hand. But that's different, mine have been taught to eat out of my hand, sounds like you're experiencing something different. Not sure what to say unfortunately, never experienced something like that. ^^'

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