Absolutely LIVID!


11 Years
Nov 2, 2008
Orlando, FL.
I belong to a group of students at my highschool's FFA chapter. Out of necessity, I keep my chickens on campus and away from harms way. (Individual coops and brooders, keeping seperate my big wyandottes from my bantam cochins, etc.)

Recently, after the Central Florida Fair, I purchased 2 golden campine chicks and a silver lakenvelder, out of affection, we named him Schnitzel. And he quickly stole our hearts away.

Well, for the past few days, I have been returning to our Agriculture classroom to see someone keeps putting a lid on our brooder. Several times I mentioned to my classmates that, when you put the lid on the brooder, the chicks can either 1) Suffocate or 2) die of heat, since there is no airflow.

So two days pass, no problems...

YESTERDAY, I was in my study hall class period when I recieve a text. "Hello Gabriel, did you know one of your chicks passed this morning?" I was in shock. I instantly excused myself from study hall and ran down to ag, only to find that my poor Schnitzel had died of suffocation because SOMEONE PUT THE LID ON THE BROODER.
You, as chicken enthusiasts can understand my anger, and everyone in that agriculture room got a piece of mind. Especially after one of the boys in class said. "Calm down, it's only a chicken."
Not to mention that Schnitzel wasn't for sale, the breeder selling him only sold him to me knowing "He was in good hands" I feel absolutely terrible.

I am livid, first of all, the importance of an animal isn't classified on size, breed or species. A life is a life, and they had NO buisness touching my animals or belongings without permission.

So, I moved my brooder to my suburban home where my campines will live until their feathers grow in. This just goes to show, just because someone has been exposed to agriculture and animals in their life time, doesn't mean they are educated.
so sorry. I'm hatching my eggs in a middle school classroom
very worried about SOME of the boys pulling a prank with my eggs
if they want to continute to use their teeth they had better not.
I'm sorry for your loss! That's just horrid really. And I hope those people learn they're lesson! Why, after repeated warnings would they not only continue the same behavior, to not try to learn that the might be wrong. And the "it's only a chicken" part made me want to go find this person, smack him, then hold him over a crocodile pit and point out that if I through him in the would eat him happily. So he's got nothing on a chicken!
Hehe, mini rant, sorry, I recently had some encounters with those who think they're educated but aren't.
I'm so sorry for your loss. And I'm glad you gave those awful kids an earful!
It's a good thing you demonstrated some restraint. I would've beaten the snot out of that kid. A chicken is NOT just a chicken, but everyone here knows that!

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