Abused Dog, help

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I don't think it's legal for you as a private citizen to go on another person's property to interfere with their dog. Keep trying the humane societies and the local police dept. Send them puctures so they know you are not exaggerating. If you do not get action from those resources, try the HSUS. In the pic you posted it looks like there is a crate the dog can get into. I think that probably qualifies as shelter, and there may be food and water inside it. Or the dog may get fed once or twice a day, it doesn't need to have access to food 24/7. Obviously it does not receive an adequate amount, however, it should not look like that.

Good luck getting help for this dog. Keep taking pictures, keep documenting, and keep records: when you called the humane society and what were the results. Date, time, response. When you called the police, date, time, response, name of person you spoke to, what time they called you back and so on. At some point as someone suggested it may be time to contact your local tv investigative reporter and turn the story over to them, you'll need all this data to support your complaint and get them behind you.
Hey y’all, I need help.

We have a neighbor who used to have a few dogs. They bred them a lot and it was just a puppy mill to make money, they also didn’t let the mom dog have her puppies.
Well, this year the mom dog (looked like a herding dog mix) died, she was ALWAYS chained to a tree, no water or food in sight. She lost a TON of weight and was nothing but bones and they still bred her, I believe she was pregnant when she passed away… I saw her dead by the tree (a sickening sight).

One of the first litters of puppies that were born, they kept one, his dad was a Rottweiler. Well, after his mom died, they now have him chained to the tree where she once was, I want to cry every time I drive by and see him, he is now nothing but bones, instead of a big and handsome pup. He also has a bad hip, I don’t know if he has hip problems or they hurt him, he didn’t have it before. Also, I estimate his age around 2-3. What can I do?? I don’t want him to die like his mum, and I told him I’ll to everything I can to save him. Please help me!
Alright, so my neighbors had/have a similar situation. They bred their doberman for years and never quite fed her enough. I would sneak them food through the bars of their gate late at night for years. (I'm going to guess from your replies that we're around the same age.) A few months ago, my parents ran into the neighbors by chance while running some errands and they told my mom that since the dog is old now and can't be bred, they want to put her down. Knowing that my family works with animals, they asked us if we knew of any place to put the dog down for free... otherwise they'd shoot her. Long story short, we offered to take her and she's now with us and is living the rest of her days well fed and loved. An xray during her check up did show an old bullet embedded in her hip though.

I would keep trying to reach out to Animal Services, but the couple times I've reached out, they're not much help. (Likely overwhelmed.) Try calling the police if you can, or get ahold of an independent rescue. The latter will be the most likely to take action and help. In the meantime, see if you can maybe throw him some plain bread- most may not be popular with the idea of feeding someone else's dog, but he needs food asap, especially in that cold. Worse comes to worse, see of you can talk to your neighbors. (This is up to you- if your neighbors aren't the friendly type, scrap the idea😥)
Maybe they'd be willing to rehome him to you and in turn you can find him a forever home. Best of luck, and keep us updated!
Alright, so my neighbors had/have a similar situation. They bred their doberman for years and never quite fed her enough. I would sneak them food through the bars of their gate late at night for years. (I'm going to guess from your replies that we're around the same age.) A few months ago, my parents ran into the neighbors by chance while running some errands and they told my mom that since the dog is old now and can't be bred, they want to put her down. Knowing that my family works with animals, they asked us if we knew of any place to put the dog down for free... otherwise they'd shoot her. Long story short, we offered to take her and she's now with us and is living the rest of her days well fed and loved. An xray during her check up did show an old bullet embedded in her hip though.

I would keep trying to reach out to Animal Services, but the couple times I've reached out, they're not much help. (Likely overwhelmed.) Try calling the police if you can, or get ahold of an independent rescue. The latter will be the most likely to take action and help. In the meantime, see if you can maybe throw him some plain bread- most may not be popular with the idea of feeding someone else's dog, but he needs food asap, especially in that cold. Worse comes to worse, see of you can talk to your neighbors. (This is up to you- if your neighbors aren't the friendly type, scrap the idea😥)
Maybe they'd be willing to rehome him to you and in turn you can find him a forever home. Best of luck, and keep us updated!
she did say she owns dogs so i assume she can throw him some dog food
I'm very worried about his weight in this cold
A starving dog might react badly to unfamiliar food. I wouldn't throw anything to it. Hopefully, law enforcement gets involved asap and gets this poor baby to a safe place and to a vet.
Agree. The wisest and safest thing you can do is engage the proper authorities to care for the animal. It's not worth getting shot over. People who will abuse an animal are not the safest people to confront, annoy or deal with.
A starving dog might react badly to unfamiliar food. I wouldn't throw anything to it. Hopefully, law enforcement gets involved asap and gets this poor baby to a safe place and to a vet.
Yes, the dog needs help asap. But until help can be administered, he needs food. I do animal rescues regularly, a starved will not react badly to plain food such as bread, rice, etc. IF he does, that means his body has already begun to shut down and can no longer digest anything. :(
Agree. The wisest and safest thing you can do is engage the proper authorities to care for the animal. It's not worth getting shot over. People who will abuse an animal are not the safest people to confront, annoy or deal with.
I agree, the authorities are needed. My suggestion is to throw the food when the owners aren't present. If she is unable to, that's alright. But the poor doggo needs all the help it can get, and quick!
Yes, the dog needs help asap. But until help can be administered, he needs food. I do animal rescues regularly, a starved will not react badly to plain food such as bread, rice, etc. IF he does, that means his body has already begun to shut down and can no longer digest anything. :(
Ok. I still think it's a risk. I wouldn't do it. I'd get shot here for trespassing. But you do whatever you need. Of course, I'd have already called authorities and the situation would be resolved.
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