Abutting planter boxes against run for predator protection

In mine the actual coop has a floor it is made from the plastic deck boards that do not rot or absorb liquid, there is an area under the coop that is part of the run. Predators either have to pick up a 17lb paver( they can't move them because they are sandwiched between the coop and planter wall or get through 2 strands of hot wire and 19 gauge hardware cloth on the run.


Here you can see the pavers. Plans are to add about 3 inches of sand in the run to build it up and aid in drainage.

Here's mine with hardware cloth under the pavers (2 feet) of them boxed in by the planters this will be fenced and a vegetable garden with the tunnels in the rows for the birds to work the weeds and bugs
Wow! I love the idea of a whole kitchen garden planned around the coop! I would love to see pictures later on, with the fence in and the beds planted! How far is this setup from your house?
Thanks the front of the planters are about 125ft from the back porch. Plan to have the fence and vegetables in this week ill post pictures when it's done. You can't see it but there is a 3 ft by 21 ft planter behind the coop. That one will be tomatoes only and the others will have a variety of peppers etc....
This is a beautiful setup! I REALLY like it!!! Mini fort knox!


Here's mine with hardware cloth under the pavers (2 feet) of them boxed in by the planters this will be fenced and a vegetable garden with the tunnels in the rows for the birds to work the weeds and bugs
Yes, yes, you must post pictures after you have planted and things are establishing!
this was a great idea! I have my regular garden planted but my husband and I wanted to try raised beds because of a book we bought and we had discussed where to put it that it wouldn't be right snack in the middle of the yard but also not beat to death by run off from our roof. we also wanted the raised bed to hold our winter veggies and kale is one of my roosters favorite dishes. Its great when you run across an idea that solve so many things all at once.
Would this perhaps be a square foot gardening book?? I am going to try square foot gardening for the very first time this spring. I'm very excited about the concept.
The pavers beyond the dig prevention are so I don't have to keep the grass mowed in that area or deal with mud. I also decided on the planters after the fact.

The fence will be white plastic picket so things can still slip through the pickets

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