Acceptable duck to drake ratio?


10 Years
Aug 11, 2011
Upshur County, Texas
Since I'm in my birds for eggs, I obviously keep my drake numbers small, but when I sell my extra girls, how many females per male should I allow them to go to in a new home? I talk to one lady who has 5 pet drakes O_O

Is forming them up into pairs enough? or should I tell her she needs 2:1?
I would do at the minimum 2 per drake. If they have multiple drakes I would suggest a 3:1 to prevent over breeding
The smaller the number of drakes - the lessor number of females is often Ok 1-1 can work fine if thats the only ducks but when there is a larger flock say with ten drakes- then a higher ratio of females will be needed since there will be competition between the boys.

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