ACORN and voter fraud for Obama

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Urban Desert Chicken Enthusiast
Premium Feather Member
15 Years
May 14, 2008
North Phoenix
My Coop
My Coop
Just saw a fellow on the news who was paid cash and cigarrettes to vote 70 times for Barak Obama.

Freddie Johnson from Cleveland, OHIO.

It's happening all over the nation, thousands and thousands of false registrations in Ohio alone.

Even if McCain were to come back in the polls, he doesn't have a prayer because of Acorn Democrats and voter fraud.
lets take a guess!

yeah, let's take a wild stab in the dark...

Could it be??? Yup, my chicken just told me.

Don't worry. The media will put a spin on it and find a way to blame the Republicans. They will say it was all a Bush plot, and Dick Cheney set the whole thing up to make Obama look bad.
It IS rather disenheartening ~
The man won't even say the pledge of allegiance, or salute the flag. This seems like a poor choice for a president. Basically ~ he's not representin'

I wonder if our money becoming less valuable will make payments on mortgages & such change? For instance, If I pay $650 a mo mortgage, & the dollar creeps down to 50c on the dollar value ~ do I now owe the value of $1300, or is it just harder to get the whole $650? If it's a fixed rate mortgage, at least they can't legally change the dollar amount owed, right?
OMG Please fact check this stuff before you post it as fact!!!!!

I am not going to get into an argument but I cannot sit by and let people post stuff that has been factually proven to be untrue.

The very IDEA that this bull about Obama not saluting the flag is still out there makes me all the more scared for the future of our country! No wonder people still believe that Iraq had something to do with 9/11 - some people will believe anything!

Try fact or snopes both are decent places to check your FACTS!
here here!! Someone who does homework!! FINALLY!!

Also, to the person who said that it was made up to make Obama look bad... Good guess. It almost sounds like you don't really believe what you said, but you should have more FAITH in yourself. You knew the truth all along. Way to go.
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