Adding 1 Week Old Chicks to 3-4 Week Old Chicks?


May 4, 2021
Hi, First post, so I hope I’m in the right place!

I have 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Ameraucanas that are about 3 - 4 weeks old. I also have 2, 1-week old Buff Orps. I have let them all mingle when I can sit and watch them and they seem to be fine, but I take the young ones out when I leave. I’m worried that they’re too little or that the older chicks will harm them.
Am I being overprotective? should I wait til the little ones get a bit bigger?
Thanks in advance!
The best way that I have found to integrate chicks is by having a separate fenced in area for the little ones. Everyone gets their own food, water and space but they can still see each other through the fence. This way you can feel safe leaving them alone, as long as they can’t peck through the fencing, and they can get to know each other. After a couple weeks I lift the fencing enough so only the smaller chicks can fit under. This way the small chicks have a safe space if they need to hide but they get to interact more with the bigger chicks.
Thank you, Smileybans! Obviously, I’m new to this. I have a 5-foot kiddie pool set up for the bigger girls and put a see-thru plastic bin inside of it, the little babies are in the plastic bin. So, they can see and hear each other, but are separated. I will try to figure out a way to build a small gate/door in there for the little girls to get shelter if needed.
Thanks again for the help! ♥️♥️

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