Adding 2 New Hens to Small Flock


6 Years
May 25, 2013
Ontario, Canada

I picked up two new hens today (Ameracunas) to add to my small flock of 4 hens and 2 roosters. We have a small coup and run for our crew - but they do have run of the backyard when our dogs aren't outside.

Any suggestions on integrating the new ladies without causing them too much stress?


Quarantine first and if healthy mix them when given the run of the yard.
After a day or two of that put them on the roost at night.
The roosters will help keep the peace.
We can close off our run from the main part of the coop. I will use that to quarantine them for the moment until I'm sure they are healthy. Thank you!
For a real quarantine they should be at least 40 feet apart. Lots of things travel much farther on the wind.
Lots of people put the birds right in when they bring them home with no trouble. Some wipe out the whole flock in the process. Just a warning.
Yikes! I'll talk to my husband. He was going to build something temporary for them away from our coop - but I didn't realize they had to be that far apart.

When we originally got out hens 3 years ago we just put them all together and had no issues. I don't want to risk losing any of my girls or the boys.

You could keep them in a small dog kennel (you may have one as you have dogs) for a few days far away from others to watch them. People quarantine for a week but I'm less prudent. I see the health of flock and living conditions when buying the birds so have confidence/good feeling about it.

When introducing new birds I put my small grow out coop/tractor next to my main pen for 3 days or so. On the day I've time to watch them I'll let them all free range together a few hours before dark with the grow out pen door closed then walk the newcomers into the main pen as the others are heading back in. That's if they don't walk in by themselves. During the free range time I throw some treats out and watch how the new and old chickens get along as they are gobbling it up.

Basically if it looks like there might be a problem I'll put the new ones back in grow out pen for few more days and try a few more free range sessions. It's really a watch and see thing and keeping in mind chickens will peck some for ranking so if it's not too aggressive they'll figure it out and be fine.
Well, the new girls have arrive and before I could say anything hubby had them out with the rest of the flock. So.. fingers crossed all goes is well!

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