Adding a few more pullets this weekend..HOW?


7 Years
Apr 22, 2012
Chino Valley, AZ
My Coop
My Coop
I am a first time chicken owner with a small flock (6 birds) that are 4 and 6 weeks old. Hoping they are all pullets....*fingers crossed*
Anyway, I met a local chicken breeder and went to see her birds and would like to bring home 2 or 4 more pullets this weekend to add to my little flock that I've only had for about a month. They are about the same age as my older girls, 6 weeks.
Is there anything special I need to do? I was going to gate them into a corner of the coop in sight of the others but not mingling. I"m reading SO much about introducing older birds and I need to do this with young birds? I'm thinking if it's going to be a big deal, I won't get them. I"m really enjoying them and want MORE!
Thanks for any advice for this newbie. I'm getting kinda scared reading some of the stuff here. I'm a city gal in the country but have wanted chickens for years!
You probably already saw the info' below on the Learning Center on this site but I thought I would copy it here in case you did not. I too am new to chickens with much to learn and I too will be adding two new birds to my "flock" because two of my four birds turned out to be cockerels. It sounds like you are going to introduce your new pullets exactly as recommended. The only other information that I have handy on introducing new birds is from a book, Story's Guide to Raising Chickens which says: " not be tempted to boost egg production by periodically bringing pullets into your established flock. Constantly introducing new birds disrupts the peck order, resulting in fighting and sometimes cannibalism." Since you and I will not be constantly introducing new birds, our one-time disruption of the peck order hopefully will produce minimal stress for our pullets. Good luck with your new birds! Wish I could be more helpful.

3. What is the best way to introduce new chickens to an already established flock? Separate newcomers and established birds with a barrier (i.e., wire), so they can see each other but not directly interact for a period of 1-4 weeks. This will help keep fighting to a minimum. Always introduce them while SUPERVISED, so you can control any fighting.
Thank you...I did not see that info and appreciate your reply!
I have been boarding small dogs in my home for 15 years and never had a fight, but these chickens are scaring me...LOL

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