Adding a new chick at 5 weeks?


In the Brooder
Apr 28, 2015
Huntington Beach, CA
Based on a few opinions and my own gut instinct I'm pretty sure 2 of my 4 chicks are cockerels. We can't have them in our city so I'm left with a decision. I would have to rehome the two cockerels but wanted to have 4 chickens. Can you bring in 2 new chicks if you get a pullet that's 4 weeks old with 2 existing chicks that are 5 weeks old? I don't want to cause a rift between chicks but want to do it right. Thanks :)
It's better to add more than one chick at a time, especially if the new bird is younger/ smaller than the others. It's easiest to bring in the new birds by moving all of them t their new coop,. so nobody already owns the space. Mary
I was thinking I would get 2. I am planning on moving them out to the coop hopefully next week (or as soon as my husband finishes overbuilding, I mean building it. Lol. I'm so bummed that we will have to rehome the two boys. I've had them since they hatched. It's crazy how attached you get to them!

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