Adding a silkie to the flock


6 Years
Apr 17, 2013
I was thinking about adding a silkie to the flock. I was wondering if only 1 could be introduced, or should i add two and how would i do this? I have never added to the flock before, so im pretty much clueless.
It's a very good idea to get a couple or more silkies -. They tend to stay together, silkies don't generally roost probably because their crests and beards obscure their vision. Instead they usually pile up in a corner on the floor.

Does your flock consist of large fowl? Silkies are fairly docile and tend to get picked on and pecked, they probably are happier with a flock of silkies.
I myself have quite a mixed flock ( small one); two Isa browns, 1 wyandotte and 1 big silkie. Funny enough, my silkie is at the top of the order (mainly because the rest are a bit younger) but they all mix well. Not sure on more than one; becareful.
We got 4 chicks together and one was a silkie. Even though they grew up together the silkie just didn't fit in for the longest time. She has found her place now but if I had my time again I'd have gotten two so she wasn't the only one.
Thanks for all the info! sounds like if i add them i will be getting two. We have a very mixed flock. We have a BR, SLW, welsummer, gold sex link. and black sex link (one of each breed). We bought three of them towards the end of february and two in the beginning of april, but they were still only a week apart. I hope that, having had that experience, they will accept the silkies and make things easier.

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