Adding adult hens to an existing flock does it affect laying?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Mar 1, 2014
Reno, NV
I recently was gifted some chickens, a brown leghorn, and a buff polish. I put them in with my three Ameracaunas after dark and everything seemed fine. There have been a couple spats but nothing serious. I am just wondering when things will normalize and the newbies will start laying. They came from a really large flock of 50+ hens, so this is a big adjustment. One of my Ameracaunas quit laying when they were introduced, she's kind of sensitive though, she quits laying whenever I forget to close the coop at night :(

It's been almost a week how much longer will it be?
There is not telling how long it will take for them to start laying again. Stress will cause them to stop laying. I'm surprised things have gone so well for the newly introduced hens, good for you. But It's usually not that simple, slowing introducing is usually how I have to do it. I'm just wondering if that's why it's been stressful for them.
Almost 2 weeks ago I moved a hen from one pen to another...the next 2 days production dropped in the entire pen she went into, then they picked back up but she still hasn't laid. So, how long is impossible to you free range at all? Possible they could be laying somewhere else?

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