Adding chickens to my current flock

I remove the old flock and put the newbies in first. Then add the old flock back one chicken at a time over the course of a few days. I get zero trouble doing it this way. It also works with adding younger/older chicks together. Break up the strongest. Chickens like flocks and will join the weaker/newer chickens willingly and friendly because they are alone.
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I have always found that adding new birds makes the original flock pretty cross for about 24 hours and then they settle down. I have never done the getting aquanted through wire thing - not enough room. We usually shut the new ones in the shed so they get used to home and then open the door at dusk to let the old girls back in. In the morning there will be some pecking and running about and then the old girls go out to free range and the new ones usually stay in the run - door open to the field - until they are ready to go out by choice. I don't find there are any bad battles - everyone settles down quickly.
Good luck!

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