Adding day old chicks to a broody


9 Years
Apr 29, 2010
Washington, NC
Okay, a little background info first...
I have 8 pullets (will be 1 year old on may 22) My BO has already hatched out 3 chicks on Christmas eve/day, and she proved to be a great mom

I ordered 6 new chicks from MPC, they ship on March 14, and should be here no later than the 16th.
I do not currently have a rooster ( had to cull him... replacing him in the new shipment)

now the interesting part...
I have an EE that went Broody (sitting on some golf balls) on Feb. 13.
My BO (the proven mom) went broody on the 27th. (yes, I have 2 broody out of 8)

If the EE is still broody when the chicks arrive, should I try to put the chicks under her? it will be way late..


should I put them under the BO that is a proven mom? it will be way early...


should I just raise them myself?

I don't have a problem raising them myself, but the chicks that my BO hatched out are very happy. I think I would have less trouble adding them to the flock if I let one of the broodys raise them.

Also... how exactly would I go about shoving chicks under a broody? hehe
Ive done this twice (the last time was about 4 days ago). I would wait for at least 19 days to put them under, do it at night, and make sure there is a backup plan. (for some reason one of my juvenile cockerels will sit on the nest when Mommy hen gets off, so they keep warm)
it may be close... Bugsy ( the BO) went broody on the 27th, chicks ship the 14th. thats 15 days, they should arrive on day 17 ish.

I have a good backup plan, so I think i'll try to load up my BO

If she doesn't take em, I have a nice storage container that I can start them inside with, and I can move em out to the coop after 2 weeks. I have a separate area on the side of the coop that I can put them in. I built it for Bugsy when she had her 1st chicks... kinda hard to explain, I'll try to draw it.. heh

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You'll want to sneak in the middle of the night with a flashlight and just gently insert chicks under her and, of course, take away any golf balls currently being incubated....
I've done this several times with great success and I think your BO is your best choice. The only EE I've ever had was continually broody and a pretty bad mom, so I rarely let her brood chicks.

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