adding geese to the flock.

Mar 26, 2020
Southern Vermont
there are a pair of Toulouse Geese available for adoption not out of driving distance, I have not looked into this much except to look into this breed of goose a little bit. before I continue looking into it I was curious what the recommendations might be for such an activity,
would they coexist in the same coop?
as geese mate for life would having a gander in a flock of ducks be a problem?
they seem to have similar dietary needs, would they be similar enough to share food, fence, and water source?
do they typically get along?
anything else I should know or be considering before looking farther into this?
Pair as in gander and goose? I’ll just share from my experience. My two geese coexist pretty good with our chickens and ducks. Only problem I have is during breeding season which can start as early as Feb and is still going on here which makes my gander ornery. He doesn’t bother any of the other birds but him and my Muscovy drake can’t be together so I have to separate them which is a royal pain. But I’ve been doing it 13 yrs and breeding season
Is about to be over and he’ll be back to running from the drake. A gander May want to mate with female ducks. But there isn’t any harm in that as long as you don’t have tiny calls or mallards. Then again he may not. But just want you to beware of potential problems. Geese are a joy to have but they defiantly aren’t for everyone. My Female is Toulouse my gander is Embden.
Pair as in gander and goose? I’ll just share from my experience. My two geese coexist pretty good with our chickens and ducks. Only problem I have is during breeding season which can start as early as Feb and is still going on here which makes my gander ornery. He doesn’t bother any of the other birds but him and my Muscovy drake can’t be together so I have to separate them which is a royal pain. But I’ve been doing it 13 yrs and breeding season
Is about to be over and he’ll be back to running from the drake. A gander May want to mate with female ducks. But there isn’t any harm in that as long as you don’t have tiny calls or mallards. Then again he may not. But just want you to beware of potential problems. Geese are a joy to have but they defiantly aren’t for everyone. My Female is Toulouse my gander is Embden.
its a pair, (goose/gander) they are about 2 years old. it wasn't really on my list I'm thinking I may let the opportunity pass because I think we have a pretty decent ratio right now 1:4 with our ducks and they are quite manageable, but I keep thinking about it. I was actually on the site looking for one or 2 hens but came upon these.
I don't think housing them inside a coop with ducks would be a good idea, in a large run, maybe, but in a coop, you're bound to have problems especially during springtime when hormones are running high.

I have a trio, they have their own coop that they sleep in at night, but are able to free-range with the ducks during the day. Fighting still goes on during the day, but it's to a minimum.

Here are some considerations before getting geese. Most geese especially Gander's are LOUD, especially during the spring. Some ganders may be aggressive towards people (Kids) and other livestock, of course, this partially depends on their personality, but this is just in my experience, there are lots of nice ganders out there.

Geese are much different then ducks, give it a good thought before getting them.
I don’t mean to talk you out of this but it’s defiantly something to seriously think about geese live a long life some up to an over 40 yrs so it’s a big commitment.
I don't think housing them inside a coop with ducks would be a good idea, in a large run, maybe, but in a coop, you're bound to have problems especially during springtime when hormones are running high.

I have a trio, they have their own coop that they sleep in at night, but are able to free-range with the ducks during the day. Fighting still goes on during the day, but it's to a minimum.

Here are some considerations before getting geese. Most geese especially Gander's are LOUD, especially during the spring. Some ganders may be aggressive towards people (Kids) and other livestock, of course, this partially depends on their personality, but this is just in my experience, there are lots of nice ganders out there.

Geese are much different then ducks, give it a good thought before getting them.
The long life part is just fine with us, but it sounds to me like this year may not be the year to try it.

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