In the Brooder
I have 6 young pullets (buff Orpington) and 3 young cockerels (black laced golden Wyandotte) - all three months old, in my flock right now. The cockerels we bought straight run as chicks and unfortunately for us they are all male. I posted them on Craigslist and someone is willing to trade one of my cockerels for two of her Lakenvelder pullets (about 4 months old). The trade will be happening in a few days, and I want to be able to prepare as much as possible. This is my first year as a chicken owner, so I can use all the help I can get. We have one coop and one run. I'm wondering if I should section off a part of the run and a part of the coop and bring them in and out each morning and night, or if anyone has a better idea? Thanks guys, this community has been so helpful already. I appreciate you all!