Adding shade? Opinions please!


11 Years
May 28, 2009
South Central, PA
Thanks for everyone's help. I found a burlap shade cloth that is cheap and simple. I don't mind tearing it down and replacing it next summer.

Now here is another question for everyone. The burlap is going to be installed today, before it gets any hotter. Should I do a gradual decrease in shading? We used 8ft boards with a post between each one,so the run is almost in thirds. I was thinking the first 1/3(closest to the coop) would be covered 6ft up, the second 1/3 would be 3 ft, and the last 1/3 would be open. This would allow them the option of no sun, partial sun, or full sun during different times of the day.

The first 1/3 has a roof on it, so that whole area would be completely shaded if I went 6ft up with the burlap.
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We got a tent cover (2nd hand) and put it across the top. We anchored it to the top of the fencing and now our happy chickens have shade just about all day. We'll remove it in winter.
If you can hang it in such a way that there is a little opening at the bottom or along the side to get the best of both worlds - shade and air circulation - that might be best. I have a bamboo curtain hanging like that on mine.
My new run and coop is in the hottest part of the yard (should be finished in a couple of more weeks. I plan on using shade cloth on the west end to provide shade in the afternoon and still allow air to move thru. Shade cloth is a bit more expensive but it won't act as a sail as much as a tarp will. It works fine on the dog kennels.
You can buy special shade material that lets breezes through. I have it over my run and my rabbit hutch. Do a google search for "shade tarp" and "shade cloth" and you'll find lots of options. Shade is essential in this heat. Also, you can hose down the run in the shady area so that the hens have cool dirt to sit in. That helps a lot. You can see how my hens like to be under the tarp on my live webcam. For 20 birds, I'd make sure that I have 2 waterers, and that they don't have to cross a hot sunny patch to get to them. In the long term, perhaps you can plant bushes on the outside of the run.
Trouble with burlap is longevity. Being a natural fiber, it'll rot away quicker than a shade cloth made from man-made material. Don't know how often you want to be replacing the cover.
98 degrees! My birds are begging for temps that cool and comfortable

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