Adding three new hens


5 Years
Jul 31, 2014
The one with the large comb is an Ancona, thr tanish colored one is an EE, can't remember what the black one is. What do you think?
She does look a lot like that! Aren't silkies small though? She's the biggest one I have.
She does look a lot like that! Aren't silkies small though? She's the biggest one I have.
If she's a mix with something larger, she may be much larger than a normal Silkie. Or, she could be a Polish mix, which can be standard sized.
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Yeah.. forgot to mention. The little mutt's parents are Silkie Roo/Standard Ameraucana Hen. Also... the little mutt I pictured is only like a month old. Not even 100% sure it is a pullet. And actually, silkies are pretty big bantams, weighing between 32 and 36 oz.

I know Polish have crests, but thats the only feature that bird has in common with them. \|/ Below, the mutt/male polish/female polish from left to right.
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I looked up both breeds and I think you were right with silkie she is all black. Corse I don't know about her bones or meat but everything you can see is black.
I looked up both breeds and I think you were right with silkie she is all black. Corse I don't know about her bones or meat but everything you can see is black.

I was just going to edit my post to say that xD

Look up "black silkie mixes" in a search engine and press "go" , there are a lot of birds that look like both of ours.
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