With the continued heat wave, I'm bringing my chickens into a pen in the living room during the hottest hours of the day. (I only have two, so it's not that bad.) They usually free range in the yard, and I felt bad about keeping them penned up, worried they'd be stressed or bored. So I started leaving the TV on for them, thinking they might find the sound or movement interesting. To my surprise, they are fascinated with TV... much more so than my cats or dogs.
I have discovered a trove of YouTube videos with hours of nature and wildlife footage. And then there are other webcam videos of people's chicken runs. When I put on a video of songbirds or squirrels, my hens sit quietly and watch it intermittently, and some things seem to interest them more than others. When I put on a video of other chickens, they get super excited. They stand as close to the TV as possible and make an immense amount of noise, yelling at the TV.
So my question is this: are the chicken videos good or bad? I can't tell if seeing the other chickens (including roosters) is fun and stimulating for them, or if it's actually stressing them out. Does anyone have a take on this?
I have discovered a trove of YouTube videos with hours of nature and wildlife footage. And then there are other webcam videos of people's chicken runs. When I put on a video of songbirds or squirrels, my hens sit quietly and watch it intermittently, and some things seem to interest them more than others. When I put on a video of other chickens, they get super excited. They stand as close to the TV as possible and make an immense amount of noise, yelling at the TV.
So my question is this: are the chicken videos good or bad? I can't tell if seeing the other chickens (including roosters) is fun and stimulating for them, or if it's actually stressing them out. Does anyone have a take on this?