Adopted a mini flock!


Apr 11, 2017
Western Indiana here! My dad was transferred to Bama for work so since we live out in the country, we took in the 4 hens and the rooster. We call him Lucky because he found my dad about a year ago. Just popped up after a storm and stuck around (my dad had about 12 hens back then) I think he is a Leghorn but I have no clue what the hens are. They are about 2-3 years old and we are getting a 90% fertility rate!!! I've been doing a lot of research (and reaching out to my farming family in AK) so Im excited to get some baby chicks!!!
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G’Day from down under KlioLynne

Congratulations on the chicks!

If you post some pictures of your hens on the Breed & Gender Forum someone might be able to tell you what they are:

I hope you enjoy being a BYC member. There are lots of friendly and very helpful folks here so not only is it overflowing with useful information it is also a great place to make friends and have some fun.

You might want to also pop in and say hello on your local thread: ‘Find your State’s thread.

If you would like to share pictures and stories of your flock, you have come to the right place. BYC’ers never tire of these and do not back away slowly or commence eye rolling when the photo album or home videos come out

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