Hi all, I have been looking online for the last few days but cant find a similar experience so would love to hear from anyone who can offer some advice. One of my 16 chicks that I hatched over christmas (He is now 2.5 weeks old) became wedged under the ecobrooder and the wall on a very hot day two days ago. He was limp but still alive when we found him so I cooled him down in a water bath and gave him some gatorade. He couldn't stand at all but cheeped still and was gaping with his beak each time he drew breath. I managed to get him to eat a little hard boiled egg some time later when his temperature returned to normal and we got through the first night with him under a lamp inside the house with us. Yesterday and through last night I fed him about every four hours with a mixture of hard boiled egg, crushed oat and vitamin drops washed down with water mixed with a little salt and sugar and a tiny bit of yoghurt at the end. I manage to fill his crop up and make sure its empty before the next feed. When I pick him up his little body is so weak but he poops everything through and he just sleeps constantly under the light. The gaping beak has subsided a bit and I almost euthanased him yesterday but then he lets out a peep every now and then so I just cant give up on him. We live on a farm so I don't have access to medicinal things so have made home made substitutes so far. I will keep going with him today but I am hoping to see an improvement at some point soon. Does anyone have any other ideas and do you think he will recover from this? Thanks in advance!