Advice concerning hawks and owls


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 30, 2010
I do not own any chickens ,yet. I plan on buying some this spring. I live on 3 acres of heavily wooded land. I have many opossums, raccoons,hawks and three barred owls. I had a problem with rattlesnakes but the hawks and owls did their jobs well. I read with some interest the threads concerning hawks and owls. I like the idea of hanging CD's in the trees. I plan on penning the chickens up every night in their coop. Would that be adequate to protect them from hawks and owls? The raccoons and opossums seem to be nocturnal. I want the chickens to forage during the day. Do owls come out during the day? Best regards, JA

Hawks will perch on whatever is available and then eat chickens on the ground. I would just count on some or many losses if you have hawks and don't cover your run with netting or provide shelter for them from the hawks (hiding places- lots of them!).

I like to lean pallets against woodpiles, put tin roofing leaning up against something, etc. to give them something to duck under to get away.

Owls come out right before dark and stalk my chickens. Also early morning.

I have had 3 close calls with owls and my chickens, and MANY close calls with hawks and eagles. They are used to me running out the door waving my arms frantically and shouting at them to go away.


you can see the pallet leaning up against a coop for them to hide if needed on the left


the chickens can duck under this woodpile and hide


they can hide under the metal sheets


they can hide under the tin roofing
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I just had to write an say I LOVE your user name and avatar.
My family are HUGE Jack Aubry fans!

I don't know about the cd's. I have read that many folks have had success with them. I suppose when we lose one to a hawk I'll be trying it. I have had two hawk attempts on my full sized chickens. One sex-linked hen lost quite a few tail feathers but so far no loss of life.

I wouldn't think owls would be an issue during the day...except very early in the am or late in the pm as the sun sets.

My chickens run around in our yard all day and are put up in Stalig 17 at night. So far have only lost 2 to dogs, 1 to a fox (I think) and 1 to my over zealous 5 year old.

Good Luck
I second all the advice from Chickensaresweet.

I have noticed that my chickens prefer to be in places where they can easily duck and cover. They feel safest near my house/ under the deck and near the coop where there is a shrubby cedar tree they can hide under. They will eat in the open but never seem comfortable doing it.

A rooster can help here as he is always watching and warning the girls...but only until he gets eaten.
I have had some losses to hawks and owls down here in Ga , mine are penned with walk in houses . I strung hi color builders twine at the top of he fence criss crossing the pens ( 25x25 ft) and that seems to have stopped them , with all the trees around and in the pens netting gets covered up with leaves too easily. I also took some boards and made a sort of scarecrow frame and put some of my old clothes on it and move it around form time to time . It may have worked ,, may not have ,, but it helped my feelings about doing all I could .
I choose not have any Drama concerning Preditors, so mine are enclosed in their own world all day and seem to just be fine. I don't think I have ever heard of a flock that free ranges where there aren't loses on a regular bases. If you read the hawk and other preditor post, they all start by saying My chickens free range, so that should give you a hint. I sure wish I could let mine be free to roam, but I would much rather be responsible and keep them safe myself. My Chickens are not cheap Hatchery stock so I can't really see losing them all the time.


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