Advice for a dying chicken? :(


In the Brooder
5 Years
Jun 4, 2014
So one of our Rhode Island Red s was attacked earlier by my dog. She has several deep bite marks and is very lethargic. We put Neosporin on them. We put her in the coop, but moved her to a shed with a hay nest in it and I made her drink some water. She hasn't eaten at all and she keeps trying to close her eyes, but we're afraid is she closes them, they won't open :( we don't have access to a vet. Should I mix like Gatorade into her water for electrolytes? I want her to be ok. It happened 5-6 hours ago. Help!
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I'm not an expert on chickens but I would think that if she hasn't lost a lot of blood then it could just be shock. Keep her warm and calm. The neosporin is a good idea and electrolytes in this case are always good. Keep them going until she gets better.
Thanks. I found some Vitamix for chickens with vitamins and electrolytes for chickens and I took a turkey baster and she drank a good serving of it.
I hope your hen recovers well. In case you aren't aware, when you use antibiotic ointment on chickens, don't use the kind with pain relief. Apparently whatever is used for pain relief in the ointments isn't good for chickens.

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