ADVICE NEEDED..Mites and lice treatment for geese ???


May 26, 2019
I think mt geese may have mites and have a spray at home that I'm not sure if it's ok to use for geese ?
Also, anyone who has experience, how did you treat your geese?
I believe my African/brown chinese 3.5-4 month old goslings may have mites or lice. They started loosing a bunch of feathers like they are molting, but from what I gather, 3.5-4 months is too young to be molting ?
Idk... Some advice, clarification and experience would be appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
(Btw, my adult 4yo gander is currently molting in , what appears to be, a normal way & my two 3.5-4 month old Canada goslings are showing no signs of losing feathers as of yet {knock on wood})
Thank you for taking the time to read this ..


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Could it be their juvenile molt? Birds have several molts during their first year as they grow.
I don't know, that's why I was reaching out. My gander was recently sick and even tho he is doing better, I wasn't sure if some things may have been introduced to the flock due to the humid /dry, extreme heat from the weather and simply having waterfowl! I was just curious if that spray would be safe for all birds or only for caged birds as a preventative treatment?
But I really appreciate your input! On different sites, people seem to be leaning toward a juvenile molt... Not mites or lice. So that's good. I'll keep a close eye on them for any of the. Other symptoms.

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