Advice Please! ...3 day old button quail with Pasty Butt

Pawpaws Aviary

In the Brooder
May 26, 2016
Addis, La.
We are knew at this. Hatched 14 buttons about 3 months ago and lost 2 in the first three days. They became lathegic and just died. As I said we are new. We have again hatched 9 button quail and all doing great until today and one is again lathegic and hanging its head down. From reading the boards the last few months, I thought to check for pasty butt... And yep it was a blob of white caked on her bottom.

I have removed her into another broder, temp is 95ish, fresh water, and the correct game bird starter food. I have wiped her bottom off and all the clump came right off. I check her every 30 min or so and she had a build up again, and again removed it.

I have noticed she doesn't look near as large as the other babies. Funny sorta way feathers on her back in or just not developed like the other babies.

Please advice if there is anything more I need to be doing.

Thanks for all the information off these boards.

I went and took pictures of the quail with pasty butt.

1st picture isn't clear , but shows how she just stands like that ALL the time. Really never lays down to sleep.

2 nd picture, clearer from top of broder.

Any advice?????


The baby quail died last night. Could anyone give any advise if I could have done anything different. This is 3 baby quail that we have lost like this. They just get lathegic and stoop over and really never lay down. They just stand stooped over until they die. See picture above. Any ideas?

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