Advice please?


5 Years
Jun 29, 2014
My husband and I are new to incubating eggs and we currently have 1 egg left out of 3 which is still alive (candled today) in the incubator. It is a call duck egg and we have tried to do everything by the book. I understand these are notoriously hard eggs to hatch. We are on day 28 and no signs of pipping internally but I can still see movement in the egg. Is there anything we can do or at this stage is the duckling likely to die if it hasn't yet pipped internally? Any advice would be very much appreciated.
It's survival of the fittest! It will either hatch or not. I personally don't help my chicks as they attempt to hatch. In my experience, the chicks that take the longest to hatch are the weakest and don't survive more than a week or so. So I let nature take its course.
Wait for it to pip! Then if it doesn't progress help it, as call ducks are notorious for needing help to hatch!

Best of luck!!

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