The chick pipped in breach position... I've had a few dozen over the years do that... none had a problem getting out. Leave him be till day 22. I've had first pippers be last hatchers. Calm down, it will be ok!
Thank Guys!!! I'm much better now. It's 3am and he hasn't done anything but he's still breath, I'm cool with letting him be. Our power has been blinking on and off a few times this morning, that's what woke me up so of course I HAD to check on the peeps.....

So far I have 1 Buff Orp out, 1 blue Orp zip, 1 black Maran pip, and 1 silkie pip!!! I think its going to look like popcorn later today!! I hope I get a day off. But I don't want the power to go out...

Thanks again everyone!

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