After 2 long months the coop is done and I just have to show it off.

I think my favorite innovation is the double sided feeder. How great is that.
We just finished our coop too. Thought it would take a couple weekends, took a couple months!!!
And just in time, snow predicted soon.
Great coop!
Thanks everyone. It's funny, because I never really made any plans or drawings for it. It just sort of took on a life of its own. The chickens have been in it now for almost 2 weeks and it's been working out great. I can't wait til they start laying.
Ooohhhh! Thanks so much for posting the feeder plans! I'm not much of a builder, but I'm going to attempt a smaller version of that since I only have six hens. I was thinking of doing a single feeder side and build the box against the wall inside the coop. Sort of like yours but cut in half.......and only one side of it with the trough. Well, we'll see
I was showing the pics of your coop to my DH and his first comment was. "They look great. I was wondering when you would tumble to the fact that you need an overhang and porch area in front of your coop." Thanks for the wakeup call. Back to the drawing board I go.....

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