after the chick


6 Years
Mar 24, 2013
We had a hen start to nest on the eggs even before we had a rooster. so we got 3 fertile eggs from a relatives chickens and put them under the hen, 21 days later one of them hatched. It's amazing how the new mother chicken new how to take care of a chick, she did very well. But today a hawk got the chick. I knew they were around but they have never bothered our chickens. it came down right in front of the chicken coup.

I was wondering what to expect from the hen. about 15 minutes after the hawk she got in one of the nests and started to pull one of the eggs under her. I thought she was going to start sitting again, but she got right out. now she is rosting with the other chickens again.

will she start laying right away? Will she brewd another clutch? or just start laying eggs?

just wondering if anyone has had the same type of incedent.


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Did your hen see the attack on her chick? She probably was traumatized by it and upset that the chick wasn't back on the nest. She won't go back to brooding the eggs and probably won't lay for awhile. She needs time to feel safe again. This type of thing happens often after a predator attack.

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