after tragedy -- new babies!!

Congratulations on your new chicks! They sure came fast, probably a good thing, their care and antics will help distract your mind from the previous tragedy. I couldn't even look at pictures of my lost chicks from the coup fire this past June until this last month. You'll probably end up with and extra spoiled batch like my second batch too. I was borderline obsessive with their care partly because of my previous loss and because the poor things had a horrible shipping experience.

Glad to hear your 2 survivors are doing good. Very fitting names for them.
My hen that was named L.C. was sort of a bully and I really didn't care too much for her, but after she survive the red tail hawk attack it humbled her and how could I get rid of her after she made it through that experience. She got to die of old age after that.
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One of my survivors is kind of like that, too -- the attack totally changed her personality. Hope was always the most skittish chick before the attack (I admit to thinking, Why this one? when I saw that it was her who had lived, and not one of my already-friendly girls)... she was always freaking out and dashing around the brooder when I was trying to get the chicks out to move them, clean the brooder, etc. Now, after I spent some time nursing her back to health, she's perfectly content to perch on my hand and be carried around the house while I mix her medicine, and she's often one of the birds who flies out of the brooder to visit me when I take the top off. I think maybe it was a good lesson-- to show that with a little TLC, pretty much any chick can become a sweetheart...

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