Age for first swim?


In the Brooder
Jun 8, 2017
Hi, I'm just wondering what age should runner ducklings have their first swim?

Mine have been hatched under a broody hen so I'm worried they have no oil on their feathers yet. They are a week old today.


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We have silver Appleyards, and they are just over a month old. They had their first "swim" day 12 post hatching. It was a warm sunny day, and we had their heat lamp and towels to dry them if needed. We just offered them a shallow pan, but the loved it! Here's a video:


We've had a pretty cool, wet spring since then, so we have not let them have a proper swim yet, but maybe today! As mentioned above, it is important to make sure they are dry and not cold post swim, and don't let them swim unsupervised until they are 8 weeks.
Thank you both.

Love the video! I'm following you on Instagram now, your babies are beautiful :)
Thank you both.

Love the video! I'm following you on Instagram now, your babies are beautiful :)

We love them! We're building their duck house now, and we're hoping to get them moved in over the weekend. With nice weather finally, they are loving foraging in the garden. Sorry summer chores have our Instagram account in slo-mo. ;-) We'll try to post more. Enjoy your little guys!
I have a wood duck duckling that is a little over 2 weeks old. It (my duckling has not been sexed) has had supervised swims since it was just 5 days old. We had it in the bath tub in lukewarm water and it loved it. Just dry the duckling off after so it doesn't get cold.

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