Age of Pullet before incubating eggs

We just hatched a few chicks that were from 6 month old pullets and a
few were very small eggs. 4 of the 5 eggs from our flock we used hatched.
The pullets were laying from 4 to 8 weeks prior to incubation.

The only trouble we had was the shells are VERY solid. We had to do an
assisted hatch for one.

The father was a leghorn. The mother was probably a Buff Orp.
I think the general idea is to let the pullet get to laying 'regular'-sized eggs and then begin setting.
It is not recommended to set 'pullet - eggs', because they may begin to develop, but not have enough *Oomph* to actually make it out of the shell.
But honestly, you won't believe it til you try it for yourself.

I was worried about the same thing I set some very small pullet eggs. They made just fine we kept a close eye on them. I thought they might get trapped


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