Age to integrate cockerel


10 Years
Jun 24, 2013
I have a 9 week old Easter Egger cockerel that a broody hen hatched and i would like to move him in with my twelve 6 month old pullets, he free ranges with them and wants to be with them but they always chase him away and he goes back to the broody coop at night, what is a good age or size to put him in their coop at night? Thank you for any advice.
I have a 9 week old Easter Egger cockerel that a broody hen hatched and i would like to move him in with my twelve 6 month old pullets, he free ranges with them and wants to be with them but they always chase him away and he goes back to the broody coop at night, what is a good age or size to put him in their coop at night? Thank you for any advice.
Are both coops available to him when it's time to go in at night?
That is a big age difference. We gave a 14 week old cockerel to the neighbor to add to his flock of 19 week old brown Leghorns. There are 8 pullets. That poor male was chased and harassed for the last 6 weeks until recently when his hormones kicked in and he has started to mount the pullets and hold his own. The poor male was having his hackle feathers pulled out by the top pullet and second in command. He had to wait to eat and sneak a drink for those weeks (neighbor had 2 feed and 3 water stations). luckily, the male had good chicken instincts and good evasion tactics, so got through the tough patch ok. So, overall, I’d wait for the male to be closer to 5 months old and provide some cover or visual interruptions in the run when you do introduce him, so he can avoid the wrath of the top hen(s).
He does have access to both coops but gets chased out when he tries to follow the pullets, i will move him to the other coop when i can see he can hold his own he is half their size now so hopefully 5 months is a good time thanks for your advice.

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