I recently rescued 2 hens: a sexlink and an Australorp. The sexlink appears to be in poor shape. She is very, very thin. I'd say critically so. However, she's earing, drinking, pooping, dustbathing, and laying normally.
When I went out tonight to lock them up, the sexlink was in the coop and the Australorp was on top of the coop. I put the Australorp in the coop, and the sexlink went after her like a hen possessed!
I've seen the sexlink peck the Australorp a few times when I've put out food, but nothing beyond normal chicken politics.
Is she just a bully, or might this icky behavior be related to her poor health? Any idea of what I might do about it?
When I went out tonight to lock them up, the sexlink was in the coop and the Australorp was on top of the coop. I put the Australorp in the coop, and the sexlink went after her like a hen possessed!
I've seen the sexlink peck the Australorp a few times when I've put out food, but nothing beyond normal chicken politics.
Is she just a bully, or might this icky behavior be related to her poor health? Any idea of what I might do about it?