Aggressive Cockerel

lagrange chicks

Jul 27, 2023
My chickens are all the same age 18 weeks, 5 Barred rock pullets, 3 EEs which 1 is a cockerel. I see the cockerel mating the Barred rocks but the easter egger pullets must not be mature enough to mate they run from him. The cockerel is really aggressive to the easter eggers to the point he will see them eating 16 feet away and go attack them. My ? ,is this due to them not being mature enough for him to mate or just being nasty. He shows little to no aggression to the Barred rocks.
Yes, it is common enough for cockerels to show aggression to any hen that refuses to mate with them. To me it seems like roosters see the other hens as outsiders, and is trying to defend his hens food from them.

Hopefully it will resolve itself quickly, but if it doesn't you can separate him in a dog crate in the run or coop for a bit with food and water (whichever is predator proof, because most weasels can fit through most cages). He shouldn't never draw blood, and hopefully just chases them till they run away, if that helps to give a gauge of what is normal or ideal.
Have not seen any blood, but I have seen him with feathers in his beak. Not sure when EEs mature / start laying, Barred Rock have not started laying yet either but should be soon. Thanks for your thoughts on this
I think EEs can be a little more standoffish to roosters, at least in my experience. That may be more of the issue.

Not sure what setup is like, but if you can keep a divider/fence between them for a couple weeks, that might give the hens a break and give him a little time to chill out.
I am working on increasing the run size adding 5x16 with doors to open to the main run, with a small coop attached. I was going to cull this cockerel last week when I noticed 1 barred rock being nasty to other chickens and the cockerel steps in and issue is no more. So he was saved for now.

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