Aggressive male pekin


Jun 8, 2015
New Orleans
I have a beautiful male Pekin named Howard. Howard's attitude towards my other animals has changed drastically in the last two weeks. Once my female began laying eggs, Howard has become extremely aggressive towards my Boston terrier and my three chickens. Is this normal?
Growing up my little flock would follow my dog and even lay with her. The others still treat her as one of them but this little guy...
He now consistently attacks the dog and grabs the chickens by their necks and wings and doesn't let go. I am not sure what to do nor know if this is normal behavior. When I was young I had a lone male Pekin who was very docile with humans and animals. Is this aggression solely due to my female now laying? What can I do?
I have a beautiful male Pekin named Howard. Howard's attitude towards my other animals has changed drastically in the last two weeks. Once my female began laying eggs, Howard has become extremely aggressive towards my Boston terrier and my three chickens. Is this normal?
Growing up my little flock would follow my dog and even lay with her. The others still treat her as one of them but this little guy...
He now consistently attacks the dog and grabs the chickens by their necks and wings and doesn't let go. I am not sure what to do nor know if this is normal behavior. When I was young I had a lone male Pekin who was very docile with humans and animals. Is this aggression solely due to my female now laying? What can I do?
It sounds like his male harmones have kicked in. Are you collecting the eggs when the female lays them? The ducks might have to be put in a pen by themselves. He's liable to kill the chickens. I had a male sit with the female while she was hatching eggs but he was never aggressive towards the chickens he would run off the male ducks.

Was Howard in a brooder with the chickens when he was little? Just curious here. It's a shame you have to seperate them but he may calm down once he gets older but I don't think so. I had a male and female duck years ago that I had in a brooder with chicks. When he got older he attacked the female chickens. I had to put him in a pen with the female duck by theirselves. He never grew out of it. The ducks I have now get along fine with the chickens. They weren't raised with chickens tho.

Was Howard in a brooder with the chickens when he was little?  Just curious here.  It's a shame you have to seperate them but he may calm down once he gets older but I don't think so.  I had a male and female duck years ago that I had in a brooder with chicks.  When he got older he attacked the female chickens.  I had to put him in a pen with the female duck by theirselves.  He never grew out of it.  The ducks I have now get along fine with the chickens.  They weren't raised with chickens tho.  

I'm not sure what a "brooder" is but yes, we raised him with the chickens.
I'm not sure what a "brooder" is but yes, we raised him with the chickens.
When you buy the 2 day old chicks you put them in a little container and have a light for them to keep them warm That is what I call a brooder.

I have a similar issue with my Pekin Drake. He will not stop breeding the girls and beating up the other boys. He picks fights with out male guinea and he cannot win them. I have to step in as the guinea, once riled up, will not stop fighting.

At the advice of a poultry specialist vet I tried Melatonin at 2pm each day. I started with 1.5 mg and worked my way up to 3mg. The key is to find a happy medium where he stops breeding/attacking and acts like a normal duck without being sleepy. It worked for a couple weeks, then my young ducks started to come of age and try to breed. At that point the melatonin was not cutting it anymore. Keep in mind that I had 13 ducks all coming into breeding age at once. (Total of 23 ducks at my house)

I seperated him and have now put him on Releaves. This herbal supplement seems to be working. I have started to introduce him back to the flock under supervision and so far so good.

From what I understand the first couple breeding seasons with Pekins can be rough as the drakes are pretty hyped to breed and go after the other ducks. They are supposed to settle with age. Good luck!
I know this is an old thread- but does anyone have any other feedback on Melatonin? I want to try it with my drake. I finally was able to move my "house" chicken back outside after 3 months because of a large wound....and my drake will run up to her in the yard and just attack her; biting her all over. She is missing many more feathers than before. My other chickens usually run away from him- but this hen "submits" and just flattens to the ground and lets him beat her up! This drake has also gotten aggressive- chasing my dogs, biting me, etc. It is very frustrating. The 2 ducks are separated from my 5 hens at night until they are free-ranging in my 1/2 acre yard. But the **** drake still attacks the chickens if they get close. I love my ducks but this behavior has been going on for a couple months and is very upsetting. I do not want to rehome them. Or rehome him and get another female duck, so I would love to see if the Melatonin works.........
Does anyone have any updates on the use of melatonin with drakes? I’m considering trying this. Does anyone know more about this Releaves herbal treatment? My drake is coming of age, and before taking more big steps like rehousing him or getting more females that I can’t really support right now, I’d like to try something like melatonin, but was hoping people who tried it some years ago in this thread would have feedback. Thanks!

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