Aggressive rooster and small children, really need some answers asap

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We just purchased a rooster a few weeks ago, we only have a flock of 5 hens. When we first brought him home and for the first week or so he was wonderful. He seemed very sweet and gentle. Starting about a week ago he started attacking my smallest girl, he tried to attack my oldest girl who's job it is to feed them in the morning. She tells me he only did it once and I wasnt aware he was going after her. I thought it was only the smallest, who is 3 and I've had a rooster who did this before. We quickly got rid of that one. But I thought it may just be her small size, so I havnt left her alone with this one because of it . Well, now this rooster is also attacking me anytime I go into the coop. He grabbed my sleeve this morning and left a red mark on my wrist. I'm scared to enter the coop and so are my girls.
Obviously, we cant have this. My question is, is there anything that can be done to change this? Or do we simply need to get rid of him? He's a beautiful rooster and seemed great in the beginning, but no matter how beautiful or sweet I will not have a rooster that attacks. My girls, or myself. The first one he did it to was the smallest like I said, and I had to get aggressive with him and shove him away so I'm guessing he's attacking me now because I'm a threat?
Sometimes it's hard to do, but his place is in the crock-pot.

My guess is that he won't improve his disposition. Personally, I have little tolerance for a rooster that doesn't know it's role, and that means zero aggression towards the hands that feed him.
I would just yell at him and chase him around your yard to show dominance I know it sounds mean but that is how I trained mine. I brought a stick with me and banged it on things to scare him. Don’t hit him though because then he will attack you and not run away. Do this for about 15 minutes and you should be good. Do not show any fear when he tries to attack you though because that will show him that you are afraid of him and he could attack you.
I tried everything with my rooster because I raised him and he was great with the hens. He just got meaner and meaner to be honest. He attacked me getting eggs from the nesting boxes one day, it was the last straw for me! He got up really high and jumped at me and I never saw it coming. He cut me pretty bad.
I called my neighbor and he took care of him. I felt upset I had to do it but I’m glad I did, my coop is so calm and peaceful now he’s gone. I should have done it sooner!
We just purchased a rooster a few weeks ago, we only have a flock of 5 hens. When we first brought him home and for the first week or so he was wonderful. He seemed very sweet and gentle. Starting about a week ago he started attacking my smallest girl, he tried to attack my oldest girl who's job it is to feed them in the morning. She tells me he only did it once and I wasnt aware he was going after her. I thought it was only the smallest, who is 3 and I've had a rooster who did this before. We quickly got rid of that one. But I thought it may just be her small size, so I havnt left her alone with this one because of it . Well, now this rooster is also attacking me anytime I go into the coop. He grabbed my sleeve this morning and left a red mark on my wrist. I'm scared to enter the coop and so are my girls.
Obviously, we cant have this. My question is, is there anything that can be done to change this? Or do we simply need to get rid of him? He's a beautiful rooster and seemed great in the beginning, but no matter how beautiful or sweet I will not have a rooster that attacks. My girls, or myself. The first one he did it to was the smallest like I said, and I had to get aggressive with him and shove him away so I'm guessing he's attacking me now because I'm a threat?
You should try running after HIM when he comes after you. That's what I did to my roo a few times and he stopped attacking us.
Incase anyone is wondering. The rooster problem has already been solved. I will say, to the one mocking the "fear" I think that your interpretation of being afraid to go into the coop and mine may be very different. I've had sweet roos before and this boy was not being one. The reason to that has most likely been discovered, but no amount of my own aggression back towards him was going to change the fact that the children weren't safe around him.
The OP has resolved the problem. I'm going to close this thread now. Thank you for your participation.
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