Aggressive Rooster

Hi everyone! I know this has been asked before but I have tried all the suggestions and I am at a loss as to how to proceed. I have a year old splash blue maran rooster who is constantly attacking me. I’ve picked him up and carried him around for hours. I’ve pinned him to the ground until he stops fighting. I’ve given him treats. He still attacks me as soon as my back is turned. Especially when I’m carrying food or get in storage where he knows their food is. I’m not going to cull him but I don’t know if there’s something I’m missing. I’m open to any suggestions. Will he calm down with age? So far he’s gotten worse
I've had every kind of rooster over the years. The worst were the "three tenors" (Luciano, Placido, Jose) that I raised from chicks. My chickens were free range at that time, and the roosters would literally run across the yard as a group to attack us. After they killed my young, friendly rooster, they went to my African friend who prayed over them before consigning them to the pot. My best rooster was a huge buff orpington that I rescued from slaughter. He had never been around hens or people before and was very skittish. Unfortunately, after about six months, he decided to attack me while I was putting food out. I grew up around roosters and know that you cannot show fear, so I picked up the lid to the metal garbage can where we keep the food and stood my ground. I didn't hit him at all, just allowed him to keep attacking the garbage can lid until he was bleeding from multiple places. Once he decided to quit attacking the garbage can lid (10 minutes), he never attacked anyone again and became the friendliest rooster ever. I don't believe in all the ways that people tell you to tame a rooster because they involve physical contact which the rooster interprets as fighting. However, I do believe that they have to learn who's top rooster. Unfortunately, if you engage them in fighting, they will never, ever give up; so protect yourself and try to stand your ground until your rooster gives up. If he doesn't, you do need to send him away.
I've had every kind of rooster over the years. The worst were the "three tenors" (Luciano, Placido, Jose) that I raised from chicks. My chickens were free range at that time, and the roosters would literally run across the yard as a group to attack us. After they killed my young, friendly rooster, they went to my African friend who prayed over them before consigning them to the pot. My best rooster was a huge buff orpington that I rescued from slaughter. He had never been around hens or people before and was very skittish. Unfortunately, after about six months, he decided to attack me while I was putting food out. I grew up around roosters and know that you cannot show fear, so I picked up the lid to the metal garbage can where we keep the food and stood my ground. I didn't hit him at all, just allowed him to keep attacking the garbage can lid until he was bleeding from multiple places. Once he decided to quit attacking the garbage can lid (10 minutes), he never attacked anyone again and became the friendliest rooster ever. I don't believe in all the ways that people tell you to tame a rooster because they involve physical contact which the rooster interprets as fighting. However, I do believe that they have to learn who's top rooster. Unfortunately, if you engage them in fighting, they will never, ever give up; so protect yourself and try to stand your ground until your rooster gives up. If he doesn't, you do need to send him away.
Thank you. I’m afraid I’m going to have to send him away. He’s becoming more aggressive with my hens. He’s torn one up so badly that I don’t know if she’ll make it. I’m so upset about all of this.
Thank you. I’m afraid I’m going to have to send him away. He’s becoming more aggressive with my hens. He’s torn one up so badly that I don’t know if she’ll make it. I’m so upset about all of this.
You'll feel much better once you get rid of him. Having all your hens alive, well, and happy will be worth it!
I know it’s the right thing for the hens and myself but I can’t begin to know what to do with him. I don’t want to put him on another flock but I can’t cull him. What a mess
It was just to keep him from attacking me
If you can’t do it (cull) someone can. I would hate for even a bad rooster to be used for baiting or fighting but I wouldn’t be opposed to him going to someone else’s pot. Maybe post on a local chicken group offering him for free to someone to add to their birds for processing. I wouldn’t rehome him to join a flock based on his behavior towards you and your hens.

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