I've been raising chicken for three years now, it's a hobby and a small business project as well, i'm an agricultural student and i live nature, i started with 5 Coshin bantam chicks, they all turned out to be roosters and i was able to trade them for a pair of white frizzles, later on i baught some 1 polish chick 1 silkie chick, 2 java chicks and 1 frizzle as well, once they were all adults i sold them and baught many eggs of silkie and polish, in incubated them and ended up with 30 chicks, long story short the chicks grew up, some died some sold, and now i have some silkies and some polish all at the age of 10 months, they are all divided into cages according to color and breed, they used to be very nice and sweet to me, but a couple of months ago my brown silkie rooster started getting over protective of his hen and very aggressive with me, every time i try to put food or water he tears my arm apart, yesterday i had enough and started pushing him off really hard every time he tried to attack hoping that he would see i'm more dominant and he would stop pecking me, but the more i pushed him off the harder he charged until eventually he was exhausted and his combe started to bleed a bit and yet he wouldn't stop attacking so i realized that he's not gonns stop and i'm just harming him so i stopped and today i was trying to put food in their cage and he attacked again like before so i have no idea what to do, what causes them to become aggressive? How do i prevent it from happening? And how can i stop it once it's already happened? I also have 2 polish roosters with 3 hens, and they used to be sweet as well but they started to act aggressive a week ago and each day they are getting more and more aggressive, i'd like to keep my hand and my roosters as well so if anyone has any information or experience please help, thank you!