Agressive Rooster?


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Premium Feather Member
11 Years
Apr 9, 2013
My Coop
My Coop
Yes, he's having it out with probably the dominant pullet or you have another roo. He is taking control of the flock. It'll happen eventually but if he's particularly aggressive you can separate him for a bit and then reintroduce.
Yes, he's having it out with probably the dominant pullet or you have another roo. He is taking control of the flock. It'll happen eventually but if he's particularly aggressive you can separate him for a bit and then reintroduce.
he's the only roo but last night was too much aggressiveness. My girls are scared of him when he comes near them minding his own business they run away from him or keep a distance. He also doesn't like when I hold one of his girls but when I hold him he's perfectly find.
Yes you have it right, he considers them his lol. If he's that crazy then separation will be a good idea.

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