Ah Spring and the smell of madness in the air...

I call my feed store and have them bring the feed out. I can not go in the store. of course I've got orps coming from hinkjc and a box from greenfire coming this week. oh and I'm trying to decide on a cabinet incubator
Oh, and i have more madness! My mom gave me permission to build a HUGE new coop for my dutch (cause ill get a carpentry credit)! And if the coop will hold 12 bantams, and i have only two dutch...
this year, for me, will be different than last year - NO buying chicks- I JUST have hatch them to get chicks...(which my mini brinsea in full until the end of spring - I have 3x hatches lined up with the first one in now) Does it just count that I bought a serama trio - they were 8 months old..
I'm intentionally not going into any feed stores or anywhere that might have chicks because of that. We might get four latter in the year.
Butttttt...... The feed store on my way to school and my mum's way too work has Orpington and Sussex chicks right now.....

Must resist!
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Well it had been a whole month since my bator has been lonely and I just won some eggs on auction.
I did place an order with s breeder through their website but have not heard bavk from them on it. Trying to avoid places with chicks as I cannot resist the fuzzies very well. I already have 27 chickies total. Dad should have never told me that the coop can hold 50. It seems the chicken math is moving in that direction.

Plus we will be setting up a bachler pen for the extra boys so more room. When the extra boys go to freezer camp then there will be an extra pen for the girls future babies to claim should they decide to be broody.

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