ahhhh, bubbles and runny noses !!!!!


~Crazy Egg Lady~
11 Years
Jul 11, 2008
Today I was out sitting in my silkie coop, they are between 2 months and 1 year, One of the babies flew into my lap and I noticed she had a bubbly and runny nose, so I started looking at the other and a few others also had the bubbly nose.... Then I heard a few sneezes.... Can anyone tell me what I should do so I dont lose any chicks/chickens I have some Sulfamethazine Solution would that help or does anyone know anything better that I can do !!!! Thanks for the help anyone !!!!
could have anything from Chronic Respiratory Diesease to Coryza. There is another thread in this Index https://www.backyardchickens.com/forum/viewtopic.php?id=90925
might want to read.
I've been fighting Coryza for 2 mos now and had to start culling the carriers this past week.
Sulmet is a good start but won't cure Coryza. Neither will Terramycin.
I'm using Gallimycin, but I have to order it from Jeffers Pet Supply.
I hope your problems stay small.
IMO Sulmet is the best at masking the symptoms of Coryza..If the respiratory distress is not responding to the sulmet, you're dealing with something besides Coryza.....Coryza is the only respiratory disease that responds to sulmet
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Thank you for your help, I called the vet the other day and she told me to come get some meds, also told me that if it looked better by today not to give them any, Its been getting cold here at night and she said that could have somthing to do with it, well THANK GOD !!!!! it did, everyone looks good today !!!!!! Good luck to everyone !!!!
I think we are dealing with coryza in our flock now too. We culled the bird that we know brought it into our flock and we culled a couple of others with severe symptoms. Are the other chickens I have, who have not shown any symptoms, also at risk of being carriers??? What do I do?!?!?! I'm so distressed....we have sulmet on order which I've heard is for coryza, but does anyone else have any ideas??
The sure fire sign of coryza is the foul smelling exudate from the nostrils. Give the ooze a smell, and you'll know if you're dealing with Coryza.

All birds having contracted a respiratory disease (they do NOT get 'passing colds' like us) will remain infected for life and a carrier for life. All that Tylan, Sulmet, Gallimycin etc. do is to (temporarily) drive the symptoms underground. So does Vet Rx, if you get lucky with it.

In time of stress the disease can appear again full blown. No new birds should ever be housed with any bird(s) that has had any respiratory illness, since it too will be infected.

You might investigate CRD (MG) or IB as other diseases.

Then again you need to make sure the problem isn't just dusty conditions or ammonia build up, which can cause disease like symptoms. Good NOT to assume disease right away.

Much luck to you.

Finally, injectable antibiotics--if you go that route, some will not do so--are better to use than water soluble, because you KNOW that the bird is getting the proper dose; with water solubles, it is very diff. unless you want to risk syringe feeding them, to know that they are getting the proper amount of water in, in order to be truly medicated. This can save time and $

Peace and blessings
We used the Gallimycin for 14 days. Locked the chickens in a smaller field, no free ranging, to make sure they had to drink medicated water. After 2 weeks of the medicine we waited 1 day then started with the vaccination program. We had to cull 2 that day that still had symptoms. we are going with the 2nd vaccination next weekend which will be one day short of the 4 week interval. You can revaccinate in 3-4 weeks. We have already had to cull another who has come down with symptoms again.
After this last vaccination we have to watch our flock closely for the next full year and cull anny showing symtoms as they will be the carriers.
So far, it seems to effect the larger breed of chickens the worst. I've culled 3 blue orps and one gorgeous buff rock. They looked fine walking, eating,drinking, running around, but they still had that odor with a bit of a runny nose.
We will not be able to sell any nor will we be able to have any new ones added to the flock until these have been put away or die of old age.
But the good news is, they have started to lay beautiful big eggs. The coryza bacteria does not pass into the egg.
This is what I'm doing for my 50 little girls and odd number roos and banties.
Hi I want to start by saying I know nothing about chicken diseases except what I read here. I have a silkie who had bubbly eye and sneezing. He was already mixed in with two other silkies and an 8 week old bird. ( he was six weeks old when he was sick)I followed someone's advice and gave them all teramycin and gave the bubbly one poly sobol liquid iron vitamins and antibiotic eyedrops. That was three weeks ago. All of my birds look and act great. At first the bubbly guy was lethargic and not normal chick. ( I thought he was blind) Now they all bop around all day like perfectly healthy birds. The repiratory disesases are similar in many ways and hard to diagnose specifically without professionals. I don't know if I have carriers, or dormant diseases. I will have to wait and see and treat whatever comes up. Good luck with your nursing program.
I am almost positive we are dealing with coryza...I've come to recognize that rotten smell instantly after dealing with it for the last few days. I think we will probably keep the ones of our chickens who atleast stop showing symptoms and just keep them for layers and when they are wore out we'll start from scratch. They are my pets...it was hard enough to cull the 5.

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