Ahhhh! Temp problems!


9 Years
Feb 26, 2010
Made a homemade incubator, and put the eggs in today- but it won't hold a steady temp!

I've been in and out of the playroom every 10 minutes adjusting things to keep it in the 99-101 range, but today was suddenly hotter than all the days before and it keeps trying to jump up-- all my worries when I was testing it was that it would be too low!

How much does a jumpy temp affect chicks, day one? Is a cheap thermostat worth it if it has a big swing? Help
Had the same problem with my home made one...constant problems...propping lid open different amounts, putting fan on it...blah blah...finally on day 12 I went and bought an LG from Tractor Supply for 40 bucks .....much better. 6 out of 17 hatched....my lowest temp was 80, my highest temp was 108....It's crazy !
Since I've had the LG I am on day 20 of my second hatch....13 of 13 were moving and looking good on lockdown. 3 are rocking around tonight. This time no temp fluctuations AT ALL....stayed 99.5 the whole time. Best 40 bucks I ever spent ! Good Luck !
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I will turn mine on 3 or 4 days before I set the eggs to make sure the temp is steady. But room conditions mean alot. Has to be stable temp no drafts in the room. Could be to much ventilation in bator. If you have no eggs in it just leave it alone for awhile and see if it levels out. I have had my temp go from 95 to 104 in my bator when the fan wasn't working. Fixed the fan and it is holding fine but does go from 98 to 100 back and forth. So far hasn't bothered the hatch
They've only been in there about three hours. I can't take them out and put them back at room temp until I can solve this problem, right?

The room has no drafts- no windows or anything to let in one- but I think closing the door is the problem, and I can't control that while I'm at school.

I might just go get the LG, this is super scary

edit: i've held a constant temp with a homemade one before, but it was a heck of a lot bigger than the one i have now... guess the air flowed much better.
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I have had the same problem with my homemade incubator, however, the fluctuation of between 97.5 - 101.7 with intervals of 6-7 minutes actually creates a steady inside egg temperature of 99.5F. I made my own water wiggler and stuffed the temp guage in it to test the possible inside temperature during the fluctuation intervals and it was holding steady at 99.5 the whole time.

I am on day 5 and many of my eggs are veining! THIS IS SO EXCITING!

I wouldn't worry too much about the fluctuations...this is my first time as well. I have lost two days of sleep because of worrying until I did my water wiggler test.

Good luck
My first hatch I had fluxuating temps like crazy!(homemade bator) from 87 in a 2 hr power outage to like 105. I got 15 of 17 to hatch and on time too. I was too doing the prop open more/less depending on temp(didnt have a thermostat or dimmer.) This last hatch that went on lockdown today was MUCH easier after I added a comp. fan! temp stayed great! Also dont adjust the temp until after the internal egg temp comes up! unless its too hot!

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